Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fidart / Chico Toys

Recently I came across two special tractor models made in South America: an MF and Bukh. Most people will recognize these as made by Lion Molberg (MF) and Vilmer (Bukh). Both are old toy manufacturers from Danmark and well known from their 1/43rd diecast car models. Some of the moulds were sold to South American toy manufactures and re-used. The new casted models were launched on the market under different brands and often painted in different colours.

The Massey Ferguson 35 and Bukh D-30 tractors are both made by Chico Toys of Colombia. However, I now found a pair new in the box and never seen before. The boxes reveal some interesting facts. On the bottom is printed: 'Fabricado no Brasil por Fidart Metal ltda' and 'Distribuição nacional: Stricto Comercial ltda' which is portuguese for 'manufactured by Fidart Metal ltda and national distribution by Stricto Comercial ltda', both were based in Sao Paulo.

Should we conclude that Chico Toys from Colombia shared their moulds with Fidart from Brazil? Obviously Fidart launched a range of models on the Brazilian market under the brand name 'Speed Box'. However, 'Chico Toys' is not vanished but still molded on both tractors.

The MF and Bukh are known in two colour variations: most seen are models with green chassis and fenders with red bonnet and rims, and more scarce are models with black chassis with metallic blue fenders and red bonnet and rims. One side of the bonnet carries a decal with 'Chico Toys', the other side has a decal with either 'Bukh Diesel D-30' or 'Massey Ferguson 35', although the blue/black/red versions sometimes don't have any decals at all.

Most of the Chico Toys tractors I've seen in the past came in a simple plastic transparent box. The Fidart version and box I've never seen before. Something they have all in common is metal fatigue, resulting in a very low number of survivors nowadays. Any additional info on the Chico/Fidart story is welcome!

Fidart launched a range of models on the Brazilian market under the brand name 'Speed Box'...

...based on the Danish Lion Molberg moulds.
Rarest colour version: blue metallic/black/red.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mercury - Lit'l Toy

Very rare MF set made by Mercury (Italy, Torino) for the US division of Mercury called Lit'l Toy. Sometimes you come across the tractor, but this new boxed set almost never pops up.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Geelong Farmall

This plastic Farmall M was made in the early 1950's as a promotional item for the real Farmall M built at the Geelong factory in Australia. It could be quite possible that this model was manufactured in Australia also. From a distance you would say: 'this is a Farmall by Product Miniature'. If you look closer, there are some interesting differences to be discovered. Most obvious are the gold leaf 'Factory Geelong' decals. Then there are markings on the engine sump, showing a map of Australia with lines pointing to Geelong area and the letters 'APA'. The same letters are moulded onto the rear tyres. It could be the name of the maker of this model.
Besides the Product Miniature and the Australian Geelong 'M', similar Farmall models have been made by Brio of Sweden, Lego of Denmark and a wide front end version of the Farmall M manufactured for the English Doncaster plant.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brazilian 5000 Series

In addition to the recently posted Brazilian MF 200 and 6000 series, here some images of the 5000 series by 3LS Miniaturas, as well as the 6360 with box! These models came out a few years ago and are not available anymore.

John Deere 'Kombajn'

Shortly after I found this rare yellow Smer combine, I came across his 'green brother' in perfect condition with original box!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rare Czech made combine

An outstanding find, this plastic combine made by Smer from the Czech Republic.
It represents the John Deere 530 type combine, which was originally made by Wader of Germany as a promotional model. Later on, Smer obtained the moulds from Wader and did this 1/32nd scale combine again but now without the 'John Deere 530' text on the side plates.
Obviously they also made a yellow version, which I have never seen before!

The original John Deere 530 type combine by Wader.